Reset Rethink Solutions

It’s time to live YOUR life! You are the owner of YOUR life, manage it!

Karen Tyler author of Reset Rethink, LLC

“Not living YOUR OWN life while striving to live out patterns, traditions, and expectations of others, stuffs you into the boxes. Being stuffed into boxes makes you miserable, unhappy, angry, or hopeless. Why? Because you slowly continue to lose who you really are.

Making decisions to be who you are, brings about a sense of calmness, happiness, joy, and peace, as you live your own life, thrive, and be free.” - - Taken from “Identity Reset: Getting Out Of Your Boxes”
-Karen D. Tyler

During a time of transitions, Reset Rethink ignites individuals, leaders, and organizations, to build/strengthen your foundations, while you grow, develop and expand, as you unlock doors to reach your full potential.

Give yourself permission to be honest, vulnerable, and transparent, as you use your voice, and share from your heart. Embrace courage, as you set boundaries, and walk in freedom. Walking in freedom is like a child on their birthday, running from gift to gift, while ripping wrapping paper off of the boxes, to what’s inside. What does limitless freedom look like for you?
— Taken from “Identity Reset: Getting Out of Your Boxes”

Karen walked her own journey of self-discovery, as she hit the reset button, to get out of the boxes to just be herself. Her transformative experience was life-altering and led her to thrive in life from a place of freedom.

“My awakening moment validated my never-spoken internal thoughts and feelings and aided me to realize that something was missing in my life. It was at that point; that I began to put the pieces of the puzzle together in my life. You too can also begin to put the pieces of your puzzle together. “
- Taken from “Identity Reset: Getting Out Of Your Boxes”).

Karen spends her time with her awesome husband, Patrick, a blended family of 6 children, and 2 grandchildren, and with her parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, Godchildren, and extended family and friends. She also enjoys desserts, skating, watching movies, and traveling.

Karen is the author of “Identity Reset,” and a contributing author of “Let the Daughters Arise.” She serves as an empowerment speaker, Certified Co-Active Professional Life Coach, author, and mentor, and also serves on several Leadership Teams. For nearly 30 years, she has served schools, hospitals, private, public, and religious organizations; as well as child welfare, social, and human service arenas.

 Karen is the Founder and CEO of ReSet ReThink Solutions LLC., and KDT Global Consulting. During a time of transition, ReSet ReThink Solutions serves as a pillar to individuals, leaders, and organizations to construct or strengthen their foundations, to grow, expand, and develop, while moving upward, forward, and onward. KDT Global Consulting focuses on the growth and development of individuals, children, youth, families, and groups while empowering them to live thriving holistic lives, by strengthening and uniting generations and building legacies. Karen earned her Bachelor's and Master of Social Work degrees from Jane Addams College of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She enjoys teaching at colleges, while challenging the minds of students, and emerging leaders, within the Bachelor’s, and Master’s Programs.

Karen is a torch that ignites possibilities while empowering and mobilizing others. Karen is a catalyst for transformation, growth, and development. She is a pioneer and a visionary, who honors excellence and is described to be a passionate, kind, hardworking person.

Are you stuck and ready to take back control of your life?

Are you ready to live a life of Freedom?

It’s Your Time!


  • Michelle Hayden Smith, Lansing Illinois

    I’ve worked with a sports coach before but never worked with a life coach. I was pleasantly surprised that Karen was able to help me sort through some tough areas in my life.  As I made sense of certain situations and relationships, I was able to make healthier decisions.  I love that Karen understood the demands of my role in my family, ministry, and leadership.  And yet, she was always intentional about asking me, “What are you doing for you?”

  • Toi Huff, Cleveland Ohio

    “Karen’s calm presence created a space for me to begin to see myself again for who I truly was, as she held me firm to my truth, and didn’t allow me to compromise my core values and standards. Her gentle engagement, allowed me to come out of the fog and discover a more focused version of my authentic self!”

  • Roscoe Sullivan, Las Vegas, Nevada

    “Karen utilizes a strategic approach to identify specifically how to serve others. She subscribes to the idea that people are experts in identifying their own needs.”

  • Pam Panser, Toronto, Canada

    “Working with Karen you can expect compassion and transformation. Her coaching strategies guide her clients to find their authentic voice and a path forward to living a life of purpose.”

  • Chaplain Elsa Elise Black, MBA, Author of Battered but Not Broken, Cincinnati, Ohio

    “Get ready for an exciting new period of growth and prosperity with Karen’s strategies. If you know you want to do something that changes the world, then Karen has a method to help you unlock potential, and live a life of purpose.”

  • Karen Cauthorne, Fredericksburg, VA

    “When Karen is faced with adversity, she leans into it, survives, and comes out on the other side. She then applies the lessons she learned to her life. I have no doubt that this is how she found her voice. Karen is equipped to help others grow, and find their voice.”

Get ready to have your very own copy of
“Identity Reset: A Guide To Getting Out of Your Boxes.”

“Identity Reset” is a guide to support you through your self-discovery journey, as you move upward, forward, and onward to a thriving life of FREEDOM:

• Take control and learn how to manage through historical and generational patterns, traditions, and expectations of others that dictate your life

• It’s your turn to get out of the box(es) of race, family, roles, and religion, or your self-identified box(es)

• Apply the emotional CPR.ed process, to gain Clarity, understand Purpose, and deal with Reality.

• While doing so, managing through your Emotions, will allow you to be authentic, and stand in your truth, as you make Decisions for your life.

• Get out of your box(es), and stop allowing limiting messages to define who you are.

• Hit the reset button, as YOU define who YOU are, and answer the question, “Who Am I.”

• The end result, you will live a thriving life of FREEDOM

Give yourself permission to be honest, vulnerable, and transparent, as you use your voice, and share from your heart. Embrace courage, as you set boundaries, and walk in freedom. Walking in freedom is like a kid on their birthday, running from gift to gift, while ripping wrapping paper off gifts, to see what’s inside.

What does limitless freedom look like for you?

Get ready to hit the reset button. Let’s get started as you dive into the box of race, and prepare to get out of this box, and other boxes you identified. - Taken from “Identity Reset: Getting Out Of Your Boxes”).

I no longer wanted to participate, and instead, wanted to hit the stop button, like a person hitting the buzzer on Family Feud, but I couldn’t. The more we talked, the more curious I became. The more curious I became, the more comfortable I was with digging deeper and being honest with myself. The setting was perfect, because, I didn’t know anyone in the room. There was no one to tell me, “Karen, be quiet,” or “You better not say a word.”
— Taken from “Identity Reset: Getting Out Of Your Boxes”


  • Transformational Individual and Group Coaching

  • Empowerment Speaking Engagements

  • Leadership and Organizational Development

  • Team and Group Facilitation

    We will partner with you to build or strengthen your foundation, grow, develop, and expand, as you unlock doors and reach your full potential.

For additional information contact us at
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